Ashley Williams | Chronogram Magazine

Member since Jul 1, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Ashley Williams on 07/01/2014 at 10:36 AM
    Well I was 'practising weight loss' for about 18 years before I finally did it with any long-term success - I suspect most other women reading this article have been 'practising' for a long time too. I spent years on one kind of diet or another, denying myself certain food until I finally caved - and ended up weighing the same or more a few weeks later. It wasn't until I got a system from that I finally began to understand 'dieting' didn't work - making a lifestyle change did. It wasn't that difficult either, I just ate more of the food that was good for me like lean meat, oily fish, poultry and fruit/veg, and less of the bad fats, refined sugars and baked goods. Once I did that and started a 30 minute cardio exercise routine 3-4 times a week the weight dropped off!