Aries for February 2015 | Aries | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

You seem to be getting involved with people in new ways. This may look like a rearrangement of your social life, perhaps as canceled plans, then other things coming up spontaneously. You may find yourself in different social circles, or arrive somewhere and say gee whiz, how did I get here? You're in the midst of a reshuffling experiment, and while you're there you can have great fun. Yet what I see happening is that you're engaging with people in a different way, for a different purpose. That new purpose obviates certain kinds of social activities and opens you up to other ones. The difference between old and new will seem like you are relating on a lighter but simultaneously more meaningful level. There is a focus on authentic communication. You're able to express and evoke from people opinions that they might not ordinarily share. Energetically, the shift within you may feel like this. Normally you relate through Mars, which has a distinct polarity. Currently you are relating through Mercury, which is many possible valences and thus can relate on equal terms to more people in more diverse ways. If there's a focus on language, much of that involves a different type of listening—the kind that evokes trust, because people get that you understand that that you care.

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