Horoscopes: April 2010 | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

(March 20-April 19)
You’re getting a lot of bold messages to be yourself, but you also seem to have way too many choices for who that self is. Beyond all the seemingly tangible possibilities is a chaotic realm where you simply don’t have the answer. Every time you seem to get a clue, something changes. We’re accustomed to plastering those unknowns over with labels and other assumptions, rather than leaving the question open. While a mystery like this can be uncomfortable to live with, I suggest you stay in a state of uncertainty for as long as you possibly can. Consider it a kind of meditation. Embrace the chaos of who you are, who you are not, and who you might be. This is designed to help you have greater access to your potential rather than pretending it doesn’t exist. At the moment far more is possible than you’re likely to be aware of. As the next two months progress, you’re going to get a taste of what this potential is; yet in order to have this potential be real you need to keep your mind open and make sure you’re ready to change, adapt, and go on a new adventure at all times. Stay loose. Notice the game of pretend that we’re all taught to play the moment we’re confronted with an unknown. Unknowns are your best friend right now, and I suggest you keep them near and dear to your heart.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
The answer is not control; it may seem like control, but I propose that the answer—if there is one answer—is to observe. Mainly, observe yourself. Your fantasy life is taking you some interesting places lately, and far from being content with imagination, you want experience. But this is pushing some of your buttons. These buttons include issues about supposedly right and wrong, what’s too intense for you to handle, and whether you have sufficient ground beneath your feet to handle the swirl of your own desires. The important thing to do is not revert to your mother, or her image of what you’re supposed to be: particularly, what kind of partner you’re supposed to be. Mixed in may be a number of false notions about the kind of partner you’re supposed to want. To be clear, what you seem to be working through is tension between various images of the “right” husband or wife (on the one side of the psychic membrane) and a whole kaleidoscope of possibilities for who you are (on the other side). Consider how much image is bound up in our notions of relationship: in being acceptable to potential partners, in the image of a good relationship, in being seen with the right person. What if all of that was completely, totally, and utterly meaningless? Not only meaningless, but a way of perpetuating everything about your childhood that you no longer want?

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Your social environment is interesting now, and it’s going to get really exciting as the season progresses. I’m going to start with some conservative advice: Rekindle connections to your best friends. You love new friends and you’re a friendly pup, but with the surge of energy that’s coming your way, you’re going to want people close by who know you well, and whose opinions and perspectives you trust because they are so familiar with you. One thing to research with old friends is what dreams you’ve been talking about fulfilling for at least 10 years. The energy of your charts is bursting with new ideas, ideals, and craving for a new vision for your life. My hunch is that while you want and indeed need something new in contrast to what you have now, there are important elements of past dreams that you are recovering. Some of this involves collecting power that you have given away in relationships. You may be feeling confronted by just how powerful certain people are, and how potent are bonds of sex, shared resources, or contractual arrangements. That you are seeing the power of these relationships is an invitation to confront that truth rather than to back down. Your most dependable bellwether is this: To what extent do you feel that you can really make your own decisions, without running into the objections of others who seem to have power over you?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Your focus on professional activities may not seem to be paying off, though I suggest you persist and focus your intentions. You’re caught in the normal ebb and flow of success; at the same time significant changes, soon to manifest, are taking place in the background. It’s crucial that you not confuse the two, and this is going to call for some special attention. At this stage of your life it’s vitally important that your professional choices precisely fit your deepest values. For this to be true, you need to make your investigation into those values a conscious experience and put what you discover to work starting with the next decision you make. Look back at events of the past four or five months and you’ll see examples of how your quest to act in accord with what is actually true for you has played out in real-life situations. You may not have thought of these circumstances as tests of whether your inner compass and your outer direction are aligned, but that is precisely the situation. And while that inner compass relates to values and intentions on one level, something more significant to explore is whether the direction you’re headed matches your vision for your life. I suggest you organize yourself in this sequence: values, vision, decisions. Here is the thing to remember: Your vision will manifest, so you want to make sure it’s the one you really want.

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