Horoscopes | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

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Sagittarius (November 22-December 22)
Progress on your single most important goal seems to be arriving in fits and starts. This is surely frustrating for you, who prefers to fly like a flaming arrow through the sky. One minute the possibilities open up wide, and the clear truth is right within reach; then suddenly you are beset by delays and confusion. I suggest you consider whether this is really a goal you have to strive for, or a long-term process of developing something that is, in truth, inevitable. The second is more likely the case, so you have nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, the more innovative activity is developing in the personal angles of your chart. The more time you spend at home, the more all facets of your life will become a source of pleasure. If you have a significant other, it is through this relationship that you will recognize what a blessed and cosmic person you are, and how unusual your partner is. If you don’t have a partner and are seeking one, allow yourself to envision the most beautiful, cosmic person in the world, and imagine that he or she is looking for you right now.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Your sign is not usually considered the nesting place of those with fertile imaginations, revolutionary tendencies or inventive minds—but that notion is mistaken. Your mind is currently as rich as that of Capricorn J.R.R. Tolkien; as passionate as Janis Joplin, also born under your sign; as visionary and original as Johannes Kepler, the Capricorn astronomer/astrologer who gave us the laws of planetary motion. This month, set your attention to the most difficult problems you can identify. Work on the things that have evaded success for years; remember what you set aside in the past. Look around your environment, your family and your community and see what is calling for an invention or discovery. The energy of breakthrough is painted all over your charts in the most magnificent colors. The thing most likely to experience a revolution or creative explosion is your attitude toward life. It is true that you often maintain a fixation on the past. You can give that a rest; the past will always be there. Suddenly, the future is looking very exciting—and the beauty is that you will make it up as you go along.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
True, you’ve never been particularly enthralled by money for its own sake, but you have an unusual opportunity this month. You can align yourself with a source of income that reflects your true mission in life. Listen to what people say about work and you’ll quickly recognize how rare this is. Notice how the real religion of our society is not abundance (as is so often said about Western culture) but rather a persistent belief in scarcity. Finally, consider the type of greed that is obsessed with money for its own sake. All of this turns you off, understandably. Now, for what turns you on. The universe you can enter is one where there is enough of everything, including fulfillment. It would help immeasurably if you reminded yourself of all you know about what that word means for you. Be bold when you make that list; when you write on the page, be aware of any censoring voices and then set your ideas down despite them. The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to recognize it when you’re looking right at it. And that particular development seems inevitable.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Keep daring to be different, and don’t let anything, anyone, or any mirage stop you. Those in your life need you to be free nearly as desperately as you need this yourself. Humans give one another consent to break out of the bonds that have held them captive for nearly eternity, and the way they do this is by acting on what they want. Therefore, you can let go of any Pisces guilt you may be struggling with as you embark on your latest quest to actually live. You may not see the wisdom of your past choices, and certain factors suggest that often enough, you fear that you’re only kidding yourself. These doubts will come and go. They don’t need to slow you down or discourage you, and you can remind yourself that there’s plenty of information you are currently working without. As for evidence of progress: Notice how unfamiliar the territory of your life is—how unusually rich, how abundant, and how quickly things are moving. That is direct evidence that you are standing in a new place, living out your chosen destiny in a new way. But from the look of your charts, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

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