Horoscopes | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Is it good to know how smart you are? Probably, at least in your case. The thing is, you may not know. Other factors in your personality may obscure this kind of self-awareness, and you may live walking around the world feeling like a “young soul” whose knowledge is not quite ready for the world, or truly applicable to life. From a cosmic perspective, all your best ideas and brightest awareness are like a show being performed with the curtain closed. You can hear the muffled lines being spoken, you’re aware of the stage sets changing, but the main idea may be eluding you. You need to know where to look—that is, where to direct your experiences this month such that you encounter the golden data stream. If you set out on a mission of some kind that involves intentionally traveling somewhere to learn something, you will very likely step into the flow, fully conscious. But for the full effect, you must initiate the journey.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Celibacy is an interesting way to see the world. It’s like encountering sex from the outside looking in, and experiencing the sexuality of others as a dimension apart, something out of reach. The kind of celibacy I see in your chart (and remember, astrology is fiction or metaphor) is momentary, as if, between partners or erotic encounters, you are a fully self-contained entity. Then, when you choose to open up, you’re entirely devoted to that experience, and able to experiment in the moment. What seems to be an alternation between two realities, sexual and nonsexual, appears to be rooted in a question about whether you’re truly appreciated. You may feel that in holding back, you will get the answer to your question, but the paradox of that position is that to be appreciated, you need to offer some element of your consciousness. Anyway, feeling unappreciated is not just getting old, it’s very old, but whatever comes next is going to come from you.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
We are all fond of the phrase “thinking outside the box,” but I haven’t seen much discussion of just what box that is. How about, it’s the box—more like a lawyer-free cell at Gitmo—of our beliefs? I would propose you’ve recently awoken to this possibility. It’s likely to have occurred in one of those moments when you actually experienced the confinement of a belief as a limiting factor in your life. Of course, once you feel the box, one of two things happens. Either you want to bust loose because it’s so confining, or you retreat in an attempt to make your whole reality fit the scale of your previously acquired notions. You seem to be taking a while to make up your mind about which of these you want. But soon enough, you’ll be called upon to take a chance and express your beliefs as some form of unusually focused action, so I suggest you decide which work for you and which do not.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Acceptance is a precious thing. It is the feeling of the cosmos, of existence itself, opening its arms to us. The feeling of true acceptance involves transcending prior experiences of being too controversial, too intense, too scary—too anything. We all have our own baggage that we carry regarding these learned experiences of being too something, and with our hands on those suitcases, it’s impossible to embrace the world as it embraces us. I suggest you put those suitcases down and look out at the world around you, listen to what is being said, and reach back when someone reaches out to you. There is more to this opening up than you may recognize, as encountering the world in a state of harmony corresponds to encountering your own emotions and creative flow. Your life is indeed changing; developments you could not predict are meeting you like they already know you. Breathe into the journey.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
The spot you are in is not as tight as it may seem. It may be your own rock-steady quality that is working against you. You may be expecting someone else to make a change you’re not quite up to yourself. Often people are willing to meet you on this turf, but you may want to reconsider your position, particularly if you’re being guarded about it. In fact you live in a world of openings at the moment, and in any positive or creative time there are still going to be voices of doubt, both within and without. How you respond to them is up to you, but I suggest you keep the dialog as open as possible. In particular, any professional situation, or any circumstance where money is involved, calls for reminding yourself how resourceful you are, and working with others to access those resources. Any moment of scarcity is a silver mine. Any moment of doubt is the prelude to a revelation of your innovative quality, particularly when you collaborate, share responsibility, or share anything.

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