A Poem: All Words Are Verbs | Poetry | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine
All words are verbs;
screaming meaning from behind walls of definition,
deafening the sounds, vibrations speaking volumes—
more than any library could hold.
Folding truths inside layers of perception, creating comprehension.
All words are verbs.

All words are verbs;
entombing pantoums, mummifying poems, crystallizing prose—
literary libations vertically spilling out of our mouths,
running adjacent to facts, wallowing in misplacement,
swallowing nouns and projections of reason,
skipping adjectives like stones,
forcing present tense past its physical home,
granting freedom to roam.
All words are verbs.

All words are verbs;
doubling my entendres, dividing sounds into sonatas,
constantly compressing consonants upon vowels,
dissecting sentenced bone into letter-less marrow—
The wingless, flightless sparrow,
alphabetically transformed into the worded bird,
soaring with a promise from the Source
to remind us all words are verbs.

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