July Horoscopes | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

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Recent fireworks in a key relationship have done nothing to dampen your enthusiasm, but you need to keep careful track of your timing, and that of the someone you care about. It’s been a rocky time for many couples, and if you’d take a survey you’ll discover that most of the people involved don’t really know what’s going on. That will inspire the curious and frustrate the thickheaded, choose your side of the brain. It seems that everything that unfolds these days potentially resembles a relational soap opera, and it will be challenging not to get caught in the psychodrama. But how exactly can you avoid this? Yes, well, how about by going on fewer dates, taking a few long trips alone, and stopping to answer the telephone after 6pm. Of course, you don’t want any part of that, so you may consider doubling your therapy schedule. Just remember, if you try to work it out in bed, do so consciously and moreover honestly—or you’ll be working it out for quite a while.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

You now have all the key pieces of your new financial strategy, and you may be wondering just when you’ll get to put them to work. You’ve already begun to do so, mainly because the key element in your strategy, the winning one, is a two-prong approach and you’re working with both prongs. One is knowing what is important to you, and not forgetting. I mean this and I really mean it: You must maintain a carefully made list of priorities and know exactly when you’re deviating one millimeter. Second is you need to balance out considering the value of planning for the future and the importance of being present in the moment. Both are essential. Foresight is key to your success and prosperity right now, the kind of specific foresight that people wish they had, and to which you have access. Part two is knowing when to apply effort and when to apply strategy. Every time you’re going to apply effort, pause and ask if it’s necessary; your brains currently outweigh your brawn—by a lot, mind you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

I’ve long had this literary dream of remembering as many of my erotic and romantic experiences as I could coax from memory, telling the stories, and feeling for the one thread that connects them all. I know there’s karma in them there hills, and I know there’s gold, too. Current aspects present an opportunity to learn your own history, to discover the hidden truth of your erotic nature, and to experiment. But, most important, it’s time to harmonize yourself with your sexual history. By harmonize, I mean review, consider the people involved, remember the feelings, and get a sense of the journey—particularly your early journey, your very first few lovers and before that, your concepts and ideas about what a relationship would be. Central to the Piscean idea of eroticism is nourishment. What you live through in these weeks can teach you exactly how you may give and receive that nourishment most effectively, and pleasurably, and honestly.

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