Sagittarius for September 2017 | Sagittarius | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 22)

You'll need to keep a high level of influence, and at times control, over all of your projects and affairs. You're in that spot where every detail must be aligned with your grand plan. The gel has not fully set, and you still have considerable influence over just how that happens. Focus on the order in which things need to be done and laying the groundwork for the future through careful preparation. Focus on who your closest colleagues and allies are; now is the time to firm up arrangements. Several turning points to keep in mind are Mercury changing directions on September 5, which will help resolve any tension in work-related partnerships and get some additional cash flowing; the Sun's ingress into Libra on the 22nd, which will raise your visibility and shift your priorities onto the big picture; and your ruling planet Jupiter's ingress into Scorpio on October 10, which will refresh your creative well and allow you to draw energy from a much deeper place. There are likely to be many people and many seemingly separate projects involved.

You are the conductor of this orchestra, because it's your life and your vision being expressed. Just keep reminding yourself over and over again: this has nothing to do with your parents, except perhaps what you learned from them. You are the next generation. You are the future.

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