Taurus Horoscope | December 2022 | Taurus | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

TAURUS (April 19–May 20)

Establishing your new normal means taking personal responsibility for what you value. Venus opposes Retrograde Mars and sextiles Saturn on December 1, followed by a square to Neptune December 4. If you don't examine and own your choices, they're not really yours. Venus enters Capricorn and squares Jupiter December 9; identifying "the better things in life" is your work through December 22's trine of Venus to Uranus. Step into your own unique vision of what you're all about and declare it proudly. Retrograde Mercury conjuncts Venus and Venus sextiles Neptune December 20. End the year with a big bang!

Lorelai Kude

A practicing, professional astrologer for over 30 years, Lorelai Kude can be reached for questions and personal consultaitons via email. Her Kabbalah-flavored website is Astrolojew.com.
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