- The 4'Oclock Cookie
The only thing better than a check in the mail or a thoughtful card, is a box of cookies! Last week 4:00 O'clock Cookie, a specialty cookie company based in Rye sent me a box of cookies to review. They are low-mdeium glycemic, and made with all kinds of healthy ingredients. I didn't feel overly guilty or gross after eating them. Debra Holstein, the branding expert and mastermind of the 4:00 Cookie, has been in the branding and innovation business for over 20 years. She also created an 8:00 muffin and homemade granola.
I tasted the Fig, Coconut & Dark Chocolate, the Wild Blueberry Almond, the gluten-free Chewy Chocolate Chip, the Cherry Dark Chocolate & Hazelnut, and the Cranberry Trail Mix. I really enjoyed all of them, but I'd have to say the Cherry Dark Chocolate & Hazelnut is my favorite because the cherry dark chocolate just gave it an extra decadent bite. It's nice to read the back of food label and recognize all the ingredients: whole grains, oats, flax, nuts, fruit, bittersweet chocolate and coconut sugar. The 4:00 Cookie was created to give you a boost around mid-afternoon when you need a little boost of energy to get you to dinner time. The cookies are sold at different markets and retailers in Westchester. Visit their website to find out where to buy them or order them online. The cookies stay fresh in their package for two weeks. If you are not going to eat them right away, put them in the freezer.
I confess I broke the rules and had a few for breakfast! Despite their name, I think they are good any time of day.
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