Now that the year is almost over, the truth can be told: 2019 was the wind-up; 2020 is the pitch. The global implications of the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January, the overarching societal changes signaled by the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction next December, the three "Giant Power" conjunctions of Jupiter to Pluto between April and November 2020, and everything in between is what this year's Game of Life has prepared us for. December 2019 is our last home game before the road trip that is 2020!
Jupiter enters Capricorn December 2 after spending a year partying and blowing things up in his own home sign of Sagittarius. We've had plenty of enthusiasm and inspiration, and more than a bit of a glorious mess. Jupiter in Capricorn is all about self-discipline, self-respect, hard work, focus, endurance, determination, ambition, and the will to succeed in our goals and aspirations. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn as well, the next year is sure to initiate manifestation of our collective dreams on a grand scale! What we don't want to see is a manifestation of our collective nightmares, heaven forefend. Societal and seismological earthquakes are all possible when Erratic Uranus in stability-loving Taurus trines expansive Jupiter in earthy Capricorn December 15. Unexpected surprising changes are practically guaranteed.
Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius with the Full Moon in Gemini December 11 demands truth while Venus conjunct Saturn in Capricorn wonders if we can really handle the truth. The Winter Solstice December 21 is followed by a Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Capricorn on Christmas Day and the Sun's conjunction to Jupiter December 27, super-sizing optimism based on a firm foundation of preparation, experience, patience, and wisdom. These are the greatest gifts we can take with us into the New Year of 2020.