Samba | Chronogram Magazine

Member since Nov 19, 2019


  • Posted by:
    Samba on 11/19/2019 at 2:45 PM
    if I am correct this email pertains to the article on para normal. one time I was touched so seriously by my mother who had passed away quite a few years before. I was walking out of a meeting and it happened to be on top of one of our ski areas, it was essentially almost the top of the mountain. My Mother touched me on my left shoulder with her hand . I think it was the right hand.. I almost passed out because I knew it was her hand. I did not pass out but I fell on my knees directly on the ground, I had an anxiety attach at the meeting and was still feeling it and all my magazines and spread sheets that I had with me also fell down;which was not the reason they fell. The anxiety of feeling my mothers presence was so overwhelming. I have had other sightings [1 at a B &B], Mens footsteps walking up and down the attic steps and also walking up the staircase from 1st floor to 2nd floor where I sleep . It was loud enough to
    wake my Boxers . They are trained to take care of me. One of my Boxers that passes comesback to me frequently. He and I were alone for a number of years and also through Hurricane Irene. He never left my side.

    There have been more sightings and feelings and sounds from humans, especially my mother..
    I am tired of written emails. I am a talker NOT a TYPER.

    If you feel I am legitimate enough please call me.
    I will not put down my full name just first and phone.

    Thank you