Arm of the Sea Theater: City That Drinks the Mountain Sky Part 2 | Catskill Interpretive Center | Theater | Chronogram Magazine

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Arm of the Sea Theater: City That Drinks the Mountain Sky Part 2

Uploaded by khuggins
Through a 55-minute shimmering tapestry of poetry, puppetry, and music on the beautiful grounds of the Catskill Interpretive Center, City that Drinks the Mountain Sky, Part II brings alive the landscape of the Catskill Mountains to portray the ongoing partnership to protect our flowing treasure, water. This dazzling show, recommended for students in grades 2-12, will take you into the heart of a watershed. See how forests act like kidneys, filtering water as it moves towards streams and reservoirs. Meet the laborers who built the reservoirs and aqueducts and the scientists and engineers who are working on the system today.