Carl Theodor Dreyer's - The Parsons Widow | Rosendale Theatre | Film | Chronogram Magazine

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Carl Theodor Dreyer's - The Parsons Widow

Sofren is "torn" between his true love Mari and Dame Margarete, whom he must marry in order to get the job as parson in "The Parson's Widow", a rare comedy by Carl Theodor Dreyer
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Sofren is "torn" between his true love Mari and Dame Margarete, whom he must marry in order to get the job as parson in "The Parson's Widow", a rare comedy by Carl Theodor Dreyer
Sofren, a young theologian is elected to be parson. Although engaged to Mari, he is required to marry Dame Margarete the widow of the parson before him. Sofren and Mari are outwardly cheerful but inwardly seething; and plot to get rid of what they view as an expendable, stupid, old woman. Eventually, they discover it would serve them all well if they see her side of things and treat her as a person and not just an annoying problem Silent Film with live accompaniment by Marta Waterman.