Charles Patty | Chronogram Magazine

Member since Jul 8, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Charles Patty on 07/08/2014 at 6:08 AM
    There never was a line between art and craft. Still it was and is helpful to separate things, as per reference to that in a book a Jung man followed &'wrote an intro to an edition with a yellow cover. Often times, consumers do not get what goes into an image in a frame, perhaps protected by glass or Saran Wrap or others, that some bit of work went into the presentation, like with this free rag. I got an email yesterday from a lady in Rome about kids who are making projects for recycling and I wonder has folks forgot the past ? These things, these evolutions are not new, they are as old as the hills, what is new is amnesia of a collective variety as we are amazingly interconnected via technology and separated from each other simultaneous