Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Ceremony | Eleanor Roosevelt Center @ Val-Kill | Fairs & Festivals | Chronogram Magazine

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Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Ceremony

Join us at the 32nd annual Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Ceremony, an inspirational afternoon honoring Chelsea Clinton, Gloria Kidd Golden, John W. Golden Jr., Lisa Lutoff-Perlo and Zainab Salbi, who will each be presented with medals for their unfailing dedication to promoting human rights and to challenging injustice, continuing Eleanor Roosevelt’s legacy. Hosted at the Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site in Hyde Park, NY, the event will begin with a champagne meet and greet at 11:30 a.m., followed by a celebratory brunch at 12:00 p.m. Medals will be bestowed by honoree-selected presenters, including Hillary Clinton and Pompey Delafield.