Young at Heart: Music with Mr. Willy! | Dewey Hall | Kids & Family | Chronogram Magazine

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Young at Heart: Music with Mr. Willy!

Uploaded by Michael Siktberg
Willy Welch (also known as "Mr. Willy") (born April 8, 1952) is a children’s entertainer, picture book author and recording artist who brings his songs and stories (and sometimes puppets) to schools, churches, child care centers, preschools- wherever! He is a songwriter who wrote a few songs for Barney & Friends. “Young at Heart” is a family series that explores different art forms in an engaging and light-hearted way: music, dance, visual art, storytelling, and circus arts. The series is designed to be appealing to families, but the events themselves welcome attendees of all ages.
  • Dewey Hall

    91 Main Street, Sheffield Sheffield

    (413) 229-7907

    1 event