Taurus Horoscope | June 2019 | Taurus | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine


(April 19–May 20)

Your nice, cuddly, intimate status quo gets thrown into hyper-speed overdrive June 7 with a Mercury/Uranus trine, followed by ruling planet Venus in Gemini at the first quarter moon in Virgo June 8. Shocking and unexpected declarations lead to abrupt domestic changes and even the reconfiguration of living arrangements seemingly overnight. Words become actions and promises are exchanged. The phrase "I can't live without you" takes on an urgent and literal meaning. It may be true, but is it healthy? Is it even sane? Avoid signing any apartment leases, loans, or mortgage papers until the stardust wears off next month.

Lorelai Kude

A practicing, professional astrologer for over 30 years, Lorelai Kude can be reached for questions and personal consultaitons via email. Her Kabbalah-flavored website is Astrolojew.com.
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