Arrowsmith Forge's Gear Shift Sale | Daily Dose | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine
Debra Coddington
Unitized hole punches for press brakes and punch presses.

Unitized hole punches for press brakes and punch presses.
  • Debra Coddington
  • Unitized hole punches for press brakes and punch presses.

Arrowsmith Forge, an artisan iron and custom metal shop in Millbrook, will be closing the doors to its showroom that has been open since 1978.

For over thirty years, owners Fletcher and Debra Coddington have built and installed ornamental and architectural iron, including gates, grills, furniture, chandeliers, sculpture, and lighting. After the showroom closes, they will continue their iron work, but on a smaller, more specialized scale.

From February 15 to 18, the Coddington's will hold their event "Gear Shift," which includes an ongoing sale, and an equipment sale and demonstrations.

The sale will include discounted furniture and home goods, including Pierre Deux furniture, toys, jewelery, and other work by local artisans. There will be a line of hand-knitted goods from Sharyn Faranda, including scarves and baby garments made from natural fibers.

Fletcher Coddington will also be showcasing Arrowsmith Forge's machines, including antique blacksmith and metalworking equipment. For those three days, the machinery will be visible, running, and for sale.

Five percent of all sales will be donated to a scholarship in memory of their son, Baylin Coddington.

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