Chronogram Magazine

Beefsteak Dinner at the CIA

Chronogram Staff Feb 1, 2016 4:00 AM

Beef, beer, brass bands, and gluttony—if that's your jam, then listen up, the third annual Beefsteak dinner is on February 6 at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park. A little historical context: Beefsteak dinners originated in New York City in the late 1800s as celebratory meals for the working class and were also held by organizations as fundraisers. In the early days, Beefsteaks were raucous men-only, all-you-can-eat events, with diners sitting on crates and eating with their fingers—no utensils were provided. Not to worry, however, as the CIA has updated the event to modern dining standards and knives and forks will be provided. Even the ladies are invited. Pre-registration required, tickets are $150. (845) 451-1011;