Chronogram Magazine

Astrology for March 2024

The Foolish and the Ravenous

Cory Nakasue Mar 1, 2024 4:00 AM

From the gullibility and romantic illusions of Pisces to the more willful strike-first-think-later methods of Aries, March is full of the fearless, the foolish, and the refrain of "the heart wants what the heart wants!" There is much virtue in apparent foolishness; it can open our minds, unlock passion, bypass pride, and help us fully commit to the present moment.

The archetype of The Fool is present in Venus's entrance into Pisces on March 11 and makes many aspects to other planets this month. We're more likely to be seduced by our own longings for ideal situations, feelings, and people. The Fool is also present as the Sun moves into Aries on March 19, marking the vernal equinox, prompting us to go for what we want—ready or not. Mars's entrance into Pisces on the 22nd further signifies a wayward, sub-oceanic, or seemingly passive type of aggression. The best-case scenario with this Mars placement is heroic action on behalf of those who need our help.

The Aries sense of urgency, (spurred by Mercury's entrance into Aries on the ninth) paired with half-understood directives, gets exacerbated towards month's end with a lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25. The agreements that we've made with others will either end or be augmented.

As with all eclipses, there's an element of course correction when new feelings surface. This full Moon (all lunar eclipses are full Moons) will do its best to impart civility, equanimity, and temperance, but having this lunation ruled by the ever-compassionate Venus in Pisces may render us more vulnerable than usual. There is nothing wrong with vulnerability. Couldn't we all use more sensitivity in this world?  But, if hypersensitivity and overpermissiveness are patterns we struggle with, we'll receive prompts to be more assertive.