Chronogram Magazine


For March 2013

Eric Francis Coppolino Mar 1, 2013 4:00 AM

More is going on behind the scenes than you may recognize, and you may be feeling this as anxiety, potential, or a mixture of both. Your charts have a sense of mystery to them, of something that is soon to emerge—and it will, soon enough, and when it does you will be ready for the changes. I suggest you refrain from making too many plans. If you're going to address the future, stick to very few of the most meaningful things you want to do or create, including some travel plans around which I suggest you organize your time. Get clear where you want to go and why you want to go there, organize your ideas about time around them, and then start to put your plans into action after the Sun changes signs to Aries later in the month. A few long-distance trips you take this year can have a profound influence on your perspective. If possible, try to include one trip overseas or to a country other than where you live now. Travel is the kind of experience for which there is no substitute. Nothing can show you what a journey can: immersing yourself in a foreign culture, seeing people and places you've never seen before, and looking back at your life from that point of view. Meanwhile, consider the places you've always wanted to go, and develop your short list of potential destinations. The chances are you know exactly where you would go, if you could go anywhere.