Chronogram Magazine


For July 2012

Eric Francis Coppolino Jul 1, 2012 4:00 AM
Sagittarius (November 22-December 22)
Relationships are said in many spiritual and therapy traditions to be a mirror. This is good in theory; somehow we all know it’s true. In practice, though, it’s easy to forget, and challenging to apply in a pragmatic way. Now would be the time, however. The first thing to remember about mirrors is that unlike a photograph, they present an image that is reversed horizontally. Plus, every mirror is a little different; at a certain point you choose the one you like the best. One particular mirror in your life is showing you the past. You can peer right into your own history, and make a decision about whether you resemble that person at all. Other mirrors represent your potential, and show you how much beauty and wisdom you’ve got available. The thing about those reflections is that you might not believe them. In fact, you’re more likely to believe the image that shows you who you were, since you’re more accustomed to it. I suggest you gradually cultivate your relationship to what you think is unrealistically positive. As you do this, you may notice certain emotional zones where you feel like you may be injured or fall short of who you want to be. As part of making peace with your potential, you get the opportunity to heal those parts of you that you might have decided are unworthy of love. This is a bold place to be; in a sense you’re confronting one of the deepest insecurities that people are capable of. It’s about time, too.