Monthly Astrology Forecast for April 2024 | Chronogram Magazine

Monthly Astrology Forecast for April 2024

Divine Interruption

click to enlarge Monthly Astrology Forecast for April 2024
Dream a Little Dream, Linda Newman Boughton, ballpoint pen on Arches paper, 48" x 56". From "Tangled Up in Blue" at Carrie Haddad Gallery.

Interruptions of all stripes abound this April. The new moon in Aries on April 8 is a total solar eclipse that sits in an exact conjunction with Chiron, a symbol of wounding and maverick behavior. This represents an inception point and a break in the space-time continuum. Our lives, attitudes, and feelings could take quantum leaps as the world submits to a chiropractic adjustment. With three prominent bodies in Aries at eclipse time, we're dealing with subjects concerning individuation, force, and the exertion of will.

To add to this fiery experience, the month begins with Mercury stationed retrograde in Aries on the first of the month, magnifying our need for immediate, unbridled expression. On April 5, Venus enters Aries and we begin to develop a taste for situations that are more challenging, daring, and reckless. 

Aries's ruler, Mars, might be able to slow things down as it conjoins Saturn in Pisces on the 10th, but instead of creating ease, this might intensify frustration—like agitating a bottle of champagne, without letting the cork pop. Typically, a slowdown would come as planets move into Taurus (the Sun enters Taurus on the 19th), but instead we have one of the most powerful transits of 2024 occurring on the 20th with Jupiter's conjunction to Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions have come to symbolize major breakthroughs in science, technology, the arts, and social movements.

Due to its location in the sign of Taurus we may see dramatic shifts in the parts of our lives having to do with our basic needs: how we get food, support ourselves financially, care for our bodies, and organize ourselves as a labor force. Even though Mercury stations direct toward the end of the month, along with Venus and Mars entering their home signs, don't count on business as usual.