Virgo | Chronogram Magazine


August 23-September 22

Exerting too much control is the best way for things to go out of control. I suggest that you embrace the uncertainty factor, especially the part about not knowing the impact people will have on your life, or the influence that you will have on them. One thing is for sure—that you and someone significant will shape one another's experience and worldview. I can also tell you that the way to make this the most positive experience possible is to focus on communication. What feels like the impulse to take charge, get a handle on things, or to attempt actual control will best be sated by an exchange of ideas. That's the whole point, anyway—and what makes this such a positive opportunity. In order to do that, you will need to develop the skill of responding rather than reacting. There are instances when you may be seized by emotions that seem to demand the latter—and the best thing you can do is pause. If something (or someone) seems like it might hurt you, I would urge you to remember that your astrology is saying that no matter how polarized a situation gets, that's unlikely. To sum up: Communicate rather than control. Respond rather than react. One last: In any exaggerated situation, keep your sense of humor.