That Scorpio Eclipse and Mercury Stationing Direct | Chronogram Magazine

That Scorpio Eclipse and Mercury Stationing Direct

That Scorpio Eclipse and Mercury Stationing Direct
Amanda Painter
Peaks Island, Maine.

Today is an unusual day astrologically: the Sun, Moon, and Venus all move into Scorpio, and meet up for a New Moon and a partial solar eclipse. Two days later, Mercury stations direct in Libra. So your life from now through the weekend may feel especially concentrated, but we’re all in this together—and it looks like some astrological factors will be easing the way.

First, the basic facts: in a span of less than 12 hours today (October 23), the Sun, Moon, and Venus will all leave Libra. The Sun enters Scorpio at 7:57 am EDT, the Moon and Venus enter Scorpio nearly simultaneously just minutes before and after 5 pm EDT, and the solar eclipse conjunct Venus happens just before 6 pm.

Scorpio is a water sign associated with intense emotions, deep eroticism, power, money and transformation—areas that make plenty of people squirm. Eclipses, in turn, are associated with periods of accelerated change: letting go of what you no longer need to make room for internal (and external) updates that will move you forward. We tend to fear change just as intensely as we say we desire it, making eclipses more psychologically complex than perhaps they need to be.

A peek at the minor planets reveals something that may help us slide into Scorpio’s realm with minimal resistance—maybe even a sense of accomplishment.

Minor planet 1992 QB1 is in early Taurus, opposite where the Sun, Moon, Venus (and asteroid Pallas) are clustering. 1992 QB1 is associated with crossing thresholds into new phases of life and the people who assist the process. Midwives are a prime example of what Eric Francis likes to call a “thresholder.”

In Taurus, associated with the material world and the body, 1992 QB1 looks like it’s playing midwife in this event. It’s “grounding” (in an earth sign) all the deep, emotional transformation (or its potential) and the erotic undertones of the Scorpio cluster. It anchors the somewhat abstract need to cut away the superficialities of life and focus on what is truly important, by presenting a tangible sense of a doorway you can step through.

In other words, even if you are feeling a sense of pressure or fear about impending changes right now, try thinking of these few days less as an “ultimatum” and more like someone holding the door open for you. Actually look for the person(s) in your life acting in some capacity as a coach, guide, cheerleader, “creative birthing assistant” or emotional midwife. This person will be mirroring back to you what you might otherwise be afraid to see within yourself, despite (or even because of) the intense inward focus of this Scorpio eclipse.

Retrograde Mercury has also been urging us to look inward (and hear echoes from the past), though in relationship-centered Libra. It stations direct at 3:16 pm EDT October 25. This means we’re currently in Mercury’s “storm” phase; pay extra attention to details from now through early next week as Mercury sorts itself out. That includes stepping up your efforts to listen, speak and write carefully; drive mindfully and patiently; focus on tasks with full presence.

Mercury stationing direct often comes with a moment when “the truth comes out” about something, and this moment will be occurring close on the heels of the eclipse. Consider any gold nugget of truth you receive in full context of whatever else is unfolding for you between today and next week.

The deep internal plunge of the Scorpio events is going to play out in relationship to others, so having patience with loved ones with a stormy Mercury in Libra will be key. Keep your eyes peeled for the metaphors to emerge in your life, including those that arrive in human form.