Virgo for April 2015 | Chronogram Magazine

Virgo for April 2015

VIRGO (August 23-September 22)

Resist the illusion that others have more going for them than you have going for you. Your charts describe a scenario where you may feel like you're lacking in some essential ingredients for success. You may have the sensation that you're looking down a tunnel at some personal qualities you wish you had. But you seem to be holding the binoculars the wrong way. You might even put them down and size up your environment with your bare eyes. If you do, you will see that you have far more in common with the people around you than you imagined, including the fact that they are looking to you for creative inspiration. Then there is the question of money. It seems that the best success can be had by pooling resources or accessing shared resources. From the look of your solar chart, there is no shortage of wealth or abundance around you. You merely face the question of how you're going to access those resources, which seems to be through one route only—your trusting relationship with others who share a common mission as well as similar values and intentions. It would help, in that case, if you drop any prejudices you might have and get busy having real conversations with those you can partner with on your most valued goals. This will work well for everyone.