Sagittarius: A Hudson Valley Horoscope for February 2018 | Chronogram Magazine

Sagittarius: A Hudson Valley Horoscope for February 2018

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 22)

Your relationships may follow some unusual patterns this month. If you're wondering about what is happening and why, ask yourself what you want. That's the driving force behind everything you experience, and everyone's response to you. The challenge you face is being emotionally honest with yourself. One way to do that is to notice where you actually devote your time and energy. You will reveal your commitment by what you do, rather than what you think you want. That said, this is an excellent time to throw yourself into the work that you want and need to do. This may seem to distract you from your intimate relationships, though in reality you will do exactly what you want to do; and the chances are, what you do is what you wanted. Make sure you spend enough time with close partners to have real conversations. That will take less time than you think. Show up and participate, mainly by listening. In particular, tune in and see if you can get a sense of their idea of commitment. Then, consider the extent to which it matches your own. There's a way to cross any distance between the two viewpoints, and events will proceed at their own pace. You don't need to push anything or anyone. There's plenty of momentum that will carry you along.