Horoscopes: February | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

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Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
By now, you know how complex you are and how comfortable you are being that way. What has been added to the mix lately is Mercury, which has added the ability to communicate your thoughts and notions. What is soon to arrive is your ability to feel other people’s responses to you. Notice, you are glowing like a halogen lamp—not just on the visible spectrum but also on many of the invisible ones, the ones that people like to call psychic or supernatural, but which are every bit as natural as a tree or a dog. Navigate carefully, and use your awareness to sense the influence and impact that you have on others. Watch their faces and feel their emotions. You will learn a lot about them, and even more about yourself.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Feed your dreams. Your house of dreams, the 12th house (and the one most often attributed to Pisces) is full to the brim right now, and your imagination is likely to be more vivid than the walking and talking world. Search those byways of your inner consciousness and memorize their messages, feel their colors, and sense the different moods. What is in those secret spaces will slowly start to emerge and take up its role in the world, animate itself, and take up life in your waking psyche. For now, it’s possible that you cannot share much except with one or two intimates, or with yourself. Try to document what you can in art, writing, or music. Forget about understanding; rather, give yourself a few gestures of the feeling, and that will be enough to evoke the entire experience again when you want to, or need to.

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