Gemini Horoscope | February 2020 | Gemini | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

GEMINI (May 20–June 21)

Your cup runneth over with new ideas, but your brain is so over-stimulated now there's hardly anywhere to put them. Declutter your mind February 3–4 with a major mental house cleaning. Throw out old ideas gathering dust and taking up much-needed space. Mercury Retrograde in "wishful thinking is just as true as actual truth." Pisces February 16–March 9 is great for conjuring dreams and stimulating your imagination. Review your recent creations for originality February 5; surprising new insights or information may prompt a reassessment of your efforts by February 28. You're on the edge of a significant breakthrough!

Lorelai Kude

A practicing, professional astrologer for over 30 years, Lorelai Kude can be reached for questions and personal consultaitons via email. Her Kabbalah-flavored website is
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