Scorpio Horoscope | August 2022 | Scorpio | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)

The South Lunar Node in Scorpio opposite Mars, Uranus and North Node conjunction in Taurus August 1 gives you deja vu all the way back to early 2004. By the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio August 5, you’ll have an idea what the universe is trying to get you to resurrect from that time—but in a new and improved, more mature, and upgraded way. Use frustrated energy to break through crumbling social norms which no longer serve your purpose when Mars squares Saturn August 7. Mars trines Pluto August 14, imbuing you with profound power. Use it wisely.

Lorelai Kude

A practicing, professional astrologer for over 30 years, Lorelai Kude can be reached for questions and personal consultaitons via email. Her Kabbalah-flavored website is
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