Taurus: A Hudson Valley Horoscope for April 2018 | Taurus | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

TAURUS (April 19–May 20)

Inner awareness is a gift, and it's one you can cultivate for yourself. This month, the very search-beam of consciousness—the minor planet Chiron—moves into the most sensitive and, in truth, amazing angle of your solar chart: your 12th solar house, Aries. I am always amazed when I hear about the lack of personal association with the notion of inner life or inner awareness, as if the whole universe exists outside of us. You, however, are aware that your reality is mostly within you; and though at times you may feel like a hot mess (particularly in recent years, with Uranus passing through Aries), you are very much awake and alert to your existence within yourself. Chiron is going to focus this for you and make your quest for identity feel like a natural process—if you are willing to cooperate. People tend to cling to ideas about who they are rather than seeking to understand what exactly they are drawing up out of the Earth and synthesizing that into the fabric of their soul. This is not a conceptual process. It's not an intellectual exercise. You are a cosmic being, co-creating yourself with the universal creative force that sustains all life. You bring your absolutely unique approach to existence. Chiron will help you let yourself grow, and let yourself shine.

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