Virgo Horoscope | December 2021 | Virgo | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

VIRGO (August 23-September 23)

Your normally analytical self is externally feeling pressure to accept things as they are rather than trying to figure them out when Mercury squares Neptune December 7. Harmony and equilibrium are restored when Mercury enters Capricorn December 13; nobody’s going to stop you from seeking to understand what’s happening and why. Curiosity and compassion coexist at the Full Moon in Gemini with Mercury square Chiron December 18; you care and you’re a problem-solver who comes up with unique solutions when Mercury trines Uranus December 20. Articulate powerfully transformative truths December 29-30 with Mercury conjunct Venus Retrograde and Pluto.

Lorelai Kude

A practicing, professional astrologer for over 30 years, Lorelai Kude can be reached for questions and personal consultaitons via email. Her Kabbalah-flavored website is
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