Aquarius Horoscope | December 2023 | Aquarius | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 19)

Just when you thought it was hibernation time, the call of the wild turns your attention to the social sphere. It seems you have a few more parties, protests, or meetings to attend. People want your input, and you definitely have something to say. Before you get up on your soapbox and overshare, take a moment to locate a definitive statement in the swirl of your excitement. It could mean the difference between energizing people toward a specific task or cause, or creating hype that burns itself out. You have so much to offer, but don't offer it all at once.

Cory Nakasue

Cory Nakasue is an astrology counselor, writer, and teacher. She counsels clients and teaches modern astrology with a generous nod to traditional practices and wisdom studies. Storytelling is a cornerstone of her work and you can tune in to her weekly radio show/podcast, The Cosmic Dispatch on Radio Kingston and...
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