Aries Horoscope | February 2024 | Aries | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

ARIES (March 20–April 19)

A current of energy pulses through your social life this month, but I would hardly call it public. You're amongst many people, but somehow separate, in observation mode. There is much to witness and learn from this vantage point, and it's impacting you in profound ways. You're at the beginning stages of altering the way you circulate through your social sphere; perhaps changing the circles you move in or engaging with social media in a different way. Beware of thinking "what fools these mortals be!" You are special and smart but definitely not above the human folly of your brethren.

Cory Nakasue

Cory Nakasue is an astrology counselor, writer, and teacher. She counsels clients and teaches modern astrology with a generous nod to traditional practices and wisdom studies. Storytelling is a cornerstone of her work and you can tune in to her weekly radio show/podcast, The Cosmic Dispatch on Radio Kingston and...
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