Taurus Horoscope | January 2024 | Taurus | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

TAURUS (April 19–May 20)

Amidst a period of staggering personal expansion and experimentation, the beginning of 2024 challenges your recent growth spurt by asking you to codify it. What worldviews might you be willing to commit to after some philosophical flirtations? If you've recently finished a course of study, now would be the time to declare how you're going to put new knowledge into practice. Can you define your political stance or make peace with how a spiritual practice has shaped you? Or, to flip the script, now that you know some new things about yourself, how do they align with the practices of the world?

Cory Nakasue

Cory Nakasue is an astrology counselor, writer, and teacher. She counsels clients and teaches modern astrology with a generous nod to traditional practices and wisdom studies. Storytelling is a cornerstone of her work and you can tune in to her weekly radio show/podcast, The Cosmic Dispatch on Radio Kingston and...
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